My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Austin 3:16: 316 Facts & Stories about Stone Cold Steve Austin is a collection of facts and trivia about wrestling's Steve Austin, as the title indicates.
ECW Press hit me up with a review copy of this. At the time, Steve Austin wasn't my favorite wrestler but as time passes, I see he was one of the last important personalities in wrestling so I agreed to read it.
As the title indicates, this book contains 316 facts and very short stories about Steve Austin. It's mostly trivia, like Steve Austin's mom going to the same high school as Virgil "Dusty Rhodes" Runnels. Others are stats, like how many times Steve Austin won the Royal Rumble, the combined number of days he was WWE champion, and things of that nature. The longest sections were given to transcripts of some of the god awful WHAT? promo segments. Seriously, fuck the WHAT? chant.
This is a pretty breezy book with as many as three segments on a page, meaning the 316 facts and stories fit into much fewer than 316 pages. It's a fun book for the most part, like reliving the best bits of the Attitude era without being subjected to the more cringe inducing moments. My main gripe is that the segments aren't in chronological order.
Austin 3:16: 316 Facts & Stories about Stone Cold Steve Austin is more fun that getting hit with a five pound metal bed pan. 3.5 out of 5 stars.
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